Jawa Barat - Bogor


Harga :
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bogor
Dilihat :
3.847 Kali
Update Terakhir :
01-12-2019 17:23

Detail Produk

Paint Arrestor paper Pads (filter kertas) are inexpensive, replaceable filters designed to collect the paint overspray. Overspray particles are trapped in the filter before reaching the exhaust, therefore reducing fire hazards, air pollution at external surrounding environment and expensive down time for cleaning and maintenance.Paint arrestor designed for the retention of overspray from paint spraying extract systems, in order to eliminate contamination of equipment, spoiling of painted surfaces, and most importantly protection of the environment. The high compressive strength ensures stability and rigidity, i.e. the media will not "sag" under normal operating conditions causing unfiltered air and contaminant bypass. Valitech Synergi offers two types of of Paint Arrestor paper Pads. 1. Paper filter Standart (Corrugated ) 2. Paint Arrestor paper Pads #Produkanda sparepart mesin industri #

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